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11/25/2014 - NPD Facebook Post / 11/25/14 / Snow Parking Ban Info
Hi everyone,

Well - Its coming....Get out the snow shovels and booties cause were are going to be rolling in the white fluffy stuff ....and I don't mean the white fluffy stuff that's on top of my favorite D-Words!!!

Please make sure you are not parking your cars in violation of the Town parking Ban during snow storms.... The parking ban takes effect upon the start of snow fall and lasts 12 hours from the end of snow fall...and yes...and officer is assigned to document the time of the first snow flake to the last....and NO...I am not serious about that!!!

Please be safe and stay off the roads if you do not have to travel during the snow....

Town Ordinance:
Sec. 18-108. - Parking during periods of snow or ice.

No vehicle may park on any highway of the borough from the beginning of snow or ice fall, or other dangerous ice conditions until twelve (12) hours after the cessation of such conditions

Naugatuck Town Ordinance - Snow Parking Ban