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9/24/2014 - NPD FACEBOOK POST 9.24.14 / Bangor takes a quiz
NPD FACEBOOK POST 9.24.14 / Bangor takes a quiz

Good Wednesday everyone,

Another beautiful Fall Day – although it is expected to rain tomorrow – but the weekend is looking like its going to be great, with temps getting into the 80’s – Love the way summer is fighting to stay around!!

Well, Bangor had a great response with his body cam video demonstration… although he did need to speak with a counselor after walking up on Det. Markette… Who by the way, changed his mind again and rather than chase after Bangor to make him feel better – chose to stay on the line and re-order the Duck…

Bangor was able to blow off some steam as he went to the Big E in Springfield Mass last night – we posted pics of the outing on the page last night, so if you have not done so already – please check them out.

Well, Today was a big day for Bangor – He was able to go on his first ride along… But it wasn’t quite that easy… See, Bangor had to compete with our other new addition to the Naugatuck PD, Officer Patrick O’Connor, who just graduated the police academy. Both Ofc. O’Connor and Bangor have been studying the departments policies and procedures over the past few days and because the Captain only had one spot available for someone to ride along today, he decided to give a quiz to the two which determined who could go… we attached a video so you could all see for yourselves how it turned out! (Bangor Answers Questions Video)

Have a safe and happy Wednesday everyone!