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12/25/2017 - 12.25.17 - CHRISTMAS - NPD CALL ACTIVITY REPORT


** The snow is falling and is expected to end late morning … please take your time driving and leave extra time to get to your destinations …PLEASE Be SAFE & Drive Carefully!!

The Naugatuck PD investigated the following incidents of interest yesterday:
• Burglary – Station Restaurant – Suspect broke in to bar area and stole cash from bar wall – Occurred sometime overnight Saturday 12/23/24- Sunday 12/24/17
• Vandalism – To MV – 22 Nichols Rd (Rpt’d Sat 12/23/17 @ 4:30 PM)
• Vandalism – To MV – 308 North Main Street – Vehicle “Keyed” (Rpt’d 12/23 @ 5:45 PM)
If anyone has information on these incidents you are urged to contact the Naugatuck PD at 203-729-5221 or the NPD Confidential Tip Line at 203-720-1010.

• **ALERT – Neighboring communities are reporting suspicious person monitoring home package deliveries – Please watch for your neighbors and try to have deliveries sent to work or places where someone can physically receive them – PLEASE IMMEDIATELY REPORT ANY SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITIES TO POLICE

• **ALERT – Please lock your cars and DO NOT leave your vehicle running with keys in the ignition – There have been numerous car thefts reported in the Naugatuck Valley area where cars have been stolen from driveways & parking lots.

The 12/25/17 Weekend NPD Call Activity Report is attached with some additional highlights below:
177 Total calls
• 23 Ambulance (Medical Assist Calls)
• 89 Door & School Checks / Burglar Alarm Checks (Residential / Commercial)
• 11 Motor Vehicle Enforcement Stops
• 1 Motor Vehicle Accident
• 2 Vandalisms (Info above)
• 1 Burglary (Info Above)
• No Robberies

4 Arrests; (2 Warrants, 1 Weapons in MV, 1 Motor Vehicle Related)

The 12/25/17 Weekend NPD Shift Analysis Report:…/1509/12.25.17_Shift_Analsys.pdf

Have a Safe and Happy Christmas Day … We will be here!