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10/20/2014 - NPD FACEBOOK POST - 10.20.14 - National School Bus Safety Week
Good Monday everyone,

Hope everyone ha d a great weekend – The weather has definitely made a turn as it was VERY chilly this morning – however the rest of today looks beautiful.

This week is National School Bus Safety Week, which this year aims to educate students and the public at large about various aspects of school bus safety. This year’s theme is "BE SMART - BE SEEN, I WAIT IN A SAFE PLACE!" A reminder to all motorists and students about the dangers that exist outside the school bus.

Last year, the Naugatuck community took a step to further increase school bus safety year round. The district implemented Redflex Student Guardian®, an automated stop-arm enforcement program that detects and deters drivers from illegally passing school buses while children are entering and exiting the bus.

Student Guardian is installed on the driver’s side of a school bus. It monitors traffic while the bus’ stop arm and amber lights are displayed, leaving the bus driver free to focus on students. Evidence of potential violations, including video and photos, is submitted to local law enforcement to determine whether a citation is warranted.

There are several benefits to the community through our Redflex Student Guardian program:

• Deterrent: The mere presence of the camera system serves as a deterrent to breaking the law. Motorists considering the gamble are likely to stay put when they see the cameras.

• Accountability: Many drivers pass buses because they know they can get away with it. Automated enforcement changes that, enabling officers to cite violators based on photo and video evidence.

• Police Force Multiplier: It’s unrealistic to think officers can trail every school bus on every school day, and nab each driver who chooses to ignore the stop arm. This technology serves as a “police force multiplier,” allowing officers to refocus their energies on other high-priority tasks while ensuring the safety of school bus routes.

• Community Awareness: Community outreach surrounding the installation of a photo enforcement system helps raise awareness about all facets of school bus safety. Parents, children and drivers in general are more cautious on the roadways and are reminded that their actions can have serious repercussions.

According to a 2014 study by the National Association of State Directors of Pupil Transportation (NAPT) Services, 29 states found nearly 76,000 vehicles illegally passed 97,000 school buses in one day. That represents more than 13 million illegal passes nationally in a typical 180-day school year.

Here in Naugatuck, we currently utilize Student Guardian to monitor passing incidents on 3 buses. The fine for illegally passing a school is $465.00. Please remember to stop when the red lights are flashing on a school bus!!

Thank you everyone and please have a safe and happy Monday!!