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10/13/2014 - NPD FACEBOOK POST 10/13/14 - Happy Columbus Day
Happy Monday Everyone,

If you are one of the lucky ones that have this beautiful Columbus Day holiday off – Congratulations – Enjoy!...For those of us not so lucky ones… welcome back to day one of the work week!!

So, lets start off with item #1, The greyhounds played a great game on Friday night in Wolcott – but came up a little short… Bangor was none too happy to see his beloved Greyhounds lose at the hands (or claws) of another bird, but the Wolcott Eagles played a tough game and came out on top . Bangor now must “pay up” by purchasing Wolcott Police Chief Ed Stephens a dozen “D-Words”… Stay tuned for the presentation this week!!

In other “Goings –On”, The Naugatuck Police would like to remind residents to please lock and secure their vehicles both at home and when out and about – It becomes tempting for would-be thieves to take your stuff when they see it clearly displayed out in the open…and leaving your car unsecured makes it extremely easy for them to then remove those oh – so tempting items from your car. The simple act of locking your car will deter the casual “hit and run” thief that simply pulls the door handle to see if the car is unlocked….on the same note – please look out for those suspicious people in your neighborhoods and shopping centers – if they look like they are up to no good… if very well could be they ARE up to no good! … Better to call us and have it be nothing than to not call and have it develop into something… This is what we are here for – and we need your help!!

Ok – thanks all I have for now – Please enjoy the holiday - Be safe and remember, if you need us we are only a phone call away! – Happy Columbus Day Everyone!!