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10/10/2014 - NPD FACEBOOK POST - 10.10.14 - Where in the Tuck is the Duck?
Happy Friday Everyone,

It is finally Friday … In just a few hours we will have made it through another week – Congratulations!!
It has been very busy around here this week – Yesterday our Detectives and Officers quickly solved another armed robbery – this latest one occurred at about 2:00 AM at the North Main Cumberland Farms Store, where two individuals decided it would be a great idea to rob the on duty clerk using a shot gun… now, I know it is not Tuesday…But I have one thing to say about these two ….”TOO BAD”!! …

This was a very quick arrest …. As was the previous one that occurred just last week… So I must ask the question – What are these people thinking?? – Here is a tip from your good friends at the Naugatuck PD for any would be thugs that are thinking about committing crimes like armed robberies in the Borough… We will find you… There is no way you are going to get away with it… this is what we do – its not a hobby! – **NEWS FLASH** - We investigate (and more importantly) … We solve crimes!!!

Ok – let me step down off the soap box…. There we go, back on flat ground… Okay – now onto other business – it is Friday so that means its time to play…. “Where in the Tuck is the Duck?”… Now I am warning you that these are going to get a little more challenging... However im giving you a huge hint in the photo!! … if you figure them out, Please shout it out from the back of the room!! – This week I will be up-ing the prize to an extra large box of “Nothing” for you to share with your friends this weekend… So, look closely and get it right!!

Ok – that’s all ive got for you tonight … Ught… ught … ught …hold on – Bangor says he would like to throw a big shout out to the Naugy Football Team as they will be taking on Wolcott in an away game – And he challenges Chief Stevens to a little wager … Loser’s town PD has to buy a box of “D’s” for the winners town PD!!... The challenge is ON!!

There you have it – Thank you everyone and have a great …. And safe weekend!!