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9/30/2014 - NPD FACEBOOK POST - 9/30/14 - Be Suspicious and Report It

 NPD FACEBOOK POST - 9/30/14 - Be Suspicious and Report It

 Greetings all -

 Happy Tuesday - it will be a little more fall like today, a little cooler and there is a chance of showers all day - but don't let it get you down...we are already only one day away from the middle of the week!!

 We are all very tired around here today - National Coffee day tends to get the best of us...and the caffeine took its toll on our sleep!!! ...but please know that we are professionals, and we will get back on that horse - have so more coffee - and get on with our day!!

...Speaking of on with our day,  let's get down to business... The Officers of the Naugatuck PD quite often find themselves checking homes, businesses and property throughout the days and nights... Our officers have certain areas that they know are sometimes vulnerable to crimes such as larceny or criminal mischief (...both fancy police jargon for "taking or breaking your stuff"). It is impossible to know exactly how many crimes are deterred from these checks, but it is known that our efforts have deterred would be criminals.

 The job of a police officer is to be "nosy" - police officers are tasked with looking for things that are unusual and out of place - there could be innocent reasons for this however many times it stands to reason that "where there is smoke there is fire"... (Man- do I hate to use fireman's analogies... Let's try that again...) .... It stands to reason that if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and talks like a duck...well - it probably is Bangor!! ... Okay - you know what I'm trying to say!!

 Good police work comes from being proactive and vigilant- it comes from questioning things that don't look right or make sense, and as well as I feel our officers do with this - we can't do it all on our own, we need the help of our citizens. We rely on the public to also be vigilant- if something seems out of place, please - do something about it by contacting us so we can investigate it further. It can not be said enough, but this is our job - and you are not "bothering us" (We hate when people tell us this... Particularly after their neighbors home was burglarized!!). We need to know about those things that just don't seem to be right. It is ALWAYS better that we check on these types of things and they turn out to be nothing than to have them go unchecked - and then turn into something.

So there it is - you have all been "deputized" .... By the powers vested in me by the Great Nauga-Duck of Justice!!! You are all now officially tasked with minding this community with us - so if it doesn't look right, report it to us....

 Ok - that's all I have for you today - please have a safe and enjoyable Tuesday and we will see you all back here again tomorrow!!