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9/23/2014 - NPD FACEBOOK Post / 9.23.14 / Bangor Body Cam Instructions

 NPD FACEBOOK Post / 9.23.14 / Bangor Body Cam Instructions


Good Tuesday morning everyone..

Its my pleasure to report to you that we will be having another beautiful day today – a little warmer than yesterday as its expected to hit the low 70’s… beautiful fall weather!!

So Today I wanted to discuss a newer piece of technology that we have been using here at the Naugatuck PD for well over a year now, Body Cams. The Naugatuck PD utilizes the Taser brand body cam which is small and compact, and mounts on the collar of the officers shirts. These cams are a great tool for capturing footage that has so far proven to be indispensable to prosecutors in many cases since we started utilizing them.

As a demonstration, Bangor, The Nauga-Duck of Justice received instruction on how to use them  - (Bangor The Nauga-Duck Body Cam Instructions ) and recorded his lesson on a body cam of his own so you can all see for yourselves how they work… Although, Bangor was a little surprised when he walked up on Det. Markette and overheard his conversation…Well, watch the video and see for yourselves!

Thanks everyone and have a great Tuesday!