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9/22/2014 - NPD FACEBOOK POST 9.22.14 - Distracted Driving
NPD FACEBOOK POST 9.22.14 - Distracted Driving

Good Monday Morning Everyone –

Well, I see we all made it back for another week – hope everyone had a great weekend. The Harvest Moon Festival went well and wrapped up on Saturday (Great D-word’s by the way!). The NPD, specifically “Bangor” had a nice write up on Sunday in the Republican American about “The Nauga-Duck of Justice”. Its great that people are enjoying our Facebook posts – and we aim to please!!

With that - lets get into it, here is our Monday morning topic – Distracted Driving – (crickets….)

…Okay, okay, I know talking about this subject is like eating sand – but this is why I brought Bangor here with me to present the information… (I know you can’t see him because we are writing this - so you will just need to do it in your minds…Come on people…work with me here!!)

Now, whether or not you agree with the laws on the books about distracted driving or not – you have to know that distracted driving consistently ranks as one of the traffic safety issues at the forefront of many drivers thinking. According to the AAA, each year more than 80% of drivers cite that distracted driving is a serious issue that makes them feel less safe on the roads – and that most people feel less safe than they did five years ago due to distracted driving.

It is easy to see why that people feel this way – it does not take much to notice those people, either on or off the roads that are always handling their cell phones. Now, I must admit – there is nothing funnier than watching someone walk down the street and walk into a trash bin or sign post while being totally consumed with their phones…unless of course that person is you!! As funny as this is, I think we can all agree it’s a totally different story when this happens while they are driving.

While focus of the distracted driving topic is usually on teen drivers, because statistically they are the group that are most impaired by distraction…and notice that I used the term “Impaired”, because this is exactly how we all drive when we are distracted...But teens are not the only group that are guilty of being distracted while driving.

I had Bangor do some research and this is what he found (Yes, Bangor does know how to use a computer – well, its actually an IPad…but, didn’t you look at the post photo!!): The number one driver distraction is use of a cell phone and many of these uses involve texting. There are three types of distractions; VISUAL (eyes off the road) , MANUAL (hands off the wheel) and COGNITIVE (mind off of driving) – Texting while driving involves ALL THREE!!...(BTW, Great job Bangor – I like the use of the CAPITOL LETTERS to really drive your point home too!)

Not so long ago, it used to be that we would all worry a little later at night because that’s when the drunk drivers would loom – but now, it can be scary to think that at any time during the day or night, drivers that are just as dangerous are sharing the roads with us. These drivers are regular people that just want to check a text or an email or doing any number of other things with or without their phones that are distracting them from watching the road... and all it takes is a moment.

The Naugatuck PD is always out looking for distracted drivers. Please help our very busy patrol division out by keeping their workload down - you can help by simply putting the phones down and watching the road!! - Our message today is simple – Please put the phones down and keep your focus on the road!

Thanks everyone for listening and on behalf of Bangor and I, please have a safe and happy Monday!