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3/6/2017 - 3/6/17 NPD Facebook Post - Car Break Ins

Good Monday Morning Everyone...

We here at the NPD would like to remind all citizens that over the past few weeks we have experienced multiple incidents of car break-ins at all areas of town - either through force or simply because cars have been left unsecured...

While we appreciate the the gesture in giving us business .... we would MUCH rather that your cars not be broken into .... See, we like when our folks get to keep their stuff .... I mean - giving is great & all ... but giving when you didn't want to give .... NOT SO GREAT!!

We ask that you all ....Please .....lock your cars where ever they are parked and remove items of value from within .... Remember to also remove valuables or at least make efforts to secure them in the trunk or to conceal them ... you know ... take away the temptation!!

These efforts greatly reduce the likelihood that your car will be broken into ... and that you will

– Thank you!!

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