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9/18/2014 - NPD FACEBOOK POST 9.18.14 - Oak Terrace Neighborhood Watch
NPD FACEBOOK POST 9.18.14 - Oak Terrace Neighborhood Watch

The Oak Terrace Neighborhood Watch meeting was held last night in the community room. Very nice attendance and we were able to discuss some current issues including contacting police to check on anyone on the property they do not know, locking cars and taking the keys with you both at home and on the road…even if your just running it to Dunkin D Word for a second! … and utilizing good on line security habits on the internet, such as not providing personal information and questioning potential scam artists when they call posing as a bank or other financial institution.

The group was participative and unusually laid back …as you can see from the photos – they can be a rowdy and intimidating bunch when they want to be!! Seriously though, this is a great group of residents and we look forward to our monthly meetings with them!

Thanks – Have a great night and be safe everyone!