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The Naugatuck PD is out in full force enforcing the Borough Winter Parking Ban ...

At the time of this posting the Naugatuck PD has issued 73 winter parking ban tickets ….

….“Don’t you have anything better to do?!”….. Well…. We DO actually have MUCH “Better” things to do .… however …. We CAN’T do them when this many cars are parked in violation of the parking ban

… Storm after storm we post notices indicating that our winter parking ban is in effect …. Unfortunately - many people ignore it …. This causes a multitude of problems – many of which can become potential life endangering when snow plows can’t clear roads because cars are illegally parked in violation of the ban …. then emergency vehicles cannot access homes ….

As of this posting – these are just some of the roads where winter parking ban tickets have been issued
• Hackett St
• Anderson St
• School St
• Diamond St
• Woodlawn St
• May St
• Quinn St
• North Hoadley St
• Highland Ave
• Meadow St
• Cherry St
• Galpin St
• Aetna St
• High St
• Prospect St
• Throw Bridge

The Naugatuck Winter Parking Ban is in Effect and will stay effective until 12 hours AFTER the cessation of conditions. ….

...AND ….

.....All ticked cars will start being towed as the tow companies can get to them …. Please check you vehicles if they are parked in violation and get them moved to avoid tickets and tows …

No vehicle may park on any highway of the borough from the beginning of snow or ice fall, or other dangerous ice conditions until twelve (12) hours…