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9/17/2014 - NPD FACEBOOK POST - 9.17.14 - the D word / Promotions



Good Wednesday everyone,

It’s a beautiful fall day – and the next few days leading into the weekend also look great as well. So let’s all enjoy this glorious “Hump Day”… and the next few days that follow, because before you know it, we will all be sucked into winters wrath!

A couple topics to discuss here today. I’d like to start with how happy we are with the positive feedback our posts have been getting on our Facebook page the last couple weeks. It has been enjoyable sharing with you all and we truly appreciate the positive feedback…although….The powers that be have suggested that we stop referring to “donuts” so much in our posts… I know, I know – I can’t believe it either – but there is a chain of command here and an order is an order…So until further notice, from this point forward we will refer to them simply as “the D word”.
But, just because we can’t post it, it doesn’t mean that all of you don’t want to hear it. we could be wrong (….But we’re sure we’re not) we think you all WANT to hear about cops and “the D word” – just like we all WANT to hear about Brad and Angelina…Kim and Kanye…The Captain and Tennille…(Okay, maybe we went a little too far with that one…), But.. I mean cops and “the D word” just go together – Like Boston and cream, like jelly and confectionery sugar, like strawberry and frosted, like old and fashion, like Dunkin’ and …. (…well, ok – maybe went a little too far again with that one as well…) - our point being… we truly feel that all of you WANT to hear about cops and “the D word” …as much as we WANT to tell you all about cops and “the D word”!!

If we are right…and we think we are, we feel you will reply back to this post - overwhelmingly in favor of the continuation of the use of “the D word” and how it relates (…in our world anyway…) to policing (as far as we're concerned, every "Like" this post receives is in favor for the return of "the D word"!!). Listen, the only way you can hear about “the D word” in these posts again is to let the powers that be here at the Naugatuck PD know that you want….No, no - that you HAVE to know about cops and “the D word” …(Okay – again…maybe laid it on a tad too thick there…), but you all know what we’re saying here – so, for the love of “the D word…Post it!!

Okay, with that one in the rear view mirror, lets move along – It’s a special day here at the Naugatuck PD, as we will be promoting three officers. There will be a promotional ceremony at 10:00 AM here at the PD for the official swearing in of Officer Dan Norck to the rank of Sergeant, Sergeant Pete Bosco to the rank of Lieutenant and Lieutenant Steven Hunt to the rank of Captain. Promotions are a special time at police departments, and Naugatuck is no different… It’s a formal transition from one rank and set of responsibilities to the next, its new challenges and more complex issues …. But most of all, its shinny new stuff… laced in GOLD none-the -less!
So, On behalf of all the men and women of the Naugatuck PD, we wish to congratulations all three officers (…wonder if there will be any “D words” at the ceremony...Oh, oh, sorry… Come on’ man, get control of yourself and stay focused…) and we wish you all good luck in the next step of your careers!

Well – that’s all we have to report to you for now. We will of course be posting pics from the promotional ceremony later today and look forward to sharing with you all soon…. and don’t forget - “Bring back the D word”!!!