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12/24/2016 - NPD ... A Christmas Story!! - Burglary Victims get gift from NPD Officers

On 12/23/16 at about 7:00 PM The Naugatuck PD received a report of a burglary to a residence located on New Haven Road. Then resident reported to officers that her home had been broken into and that various items had been taken including electronics items, clothing… and worse … various Christmas gifts for her family, including a new PS4 game system intended for her 10 year old son.

Officers investigating the incident processed the scene and in the course of doing so, decided to pool resources amongst themselves …. Officers then went to the Game Stop on New Haven Road and purchased a new PS4 game system for the family …. When the Game Stop store manager heard why the officers were buying the system, the store also pitched in by providing a generous discount off the price (Thank you Game Stop!!) …

The video shows the moment when officers advised the victim, who is a single mom of their purchase … and offered her the option of holding the gift until Sunday (Christmas) or giving the gift to her son immediately … as you can see in the video, she was very appreciative and opted to allow her son to have an early Christmas gift!!!

The Naugatuck PD would again like to thank Game Stop of Cross Point Plaza for their help and gracious discount and for assisting the officers of the NPD in help this family out a bit after being victimized.

The NPD is actively investigating the burglary and are trying to obtain any information that may help in identifying the suspect(s) … If anyone has information regarding this burglary you are urged to contact the Naugatuck PD at 203-729-5221 or the NPD Confidential Tip Line at 203-720-1010.


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