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12/1/2016 - 12/1/16 NPD Call Activity Report / First day of December!

Good Thursday morning all …

The sun returns today – Temps expected to be in the mind to upper 40s …. Enjoy the dryness!!

Prospect St - Open
Maple St - Open (One Way)

Naugatuck PD investigated vandalism to a motor vehicle that occurred on Church Street on Wednesday. NPD reminds citizens to report any suspicious activities you may come across including persons, vehicles or circumstances… report them to police as soon as possible so we can check them without delay.

There was also a report of a counterfeit bill received by a citizen from what she suspected was a local business. While it was confirmed that the bill was in fact counterfeit, it could not be confirmed that the bill was received from the business… The NPD reminds both citizens and businesses – particularly this time of year – to be mindful of the money you are receiving …. The holidays typically show a spike in these types of crimes … and if you are unsure of the authenticity of a bill, have it checked as soon as possible.

The NPD Call Activity Report is attached with some highlights below:

79 Total calls
6 Ambulance (Medical Assist Calls)
26 Door & School Checks / Burglar Alarm Checks (Residential / Commercial)
6 Motor Vehicle Enforcement Stops
1 Motor Vehicle Accidents (None serious)
1 Vandalisms (To MV / Church St.)
No Burglaries
No Robberies

4 Arrests ; (4 Warrants)

The Wednesday 11/30/16 NPD Shift Analysis Report:…/…/704/12.1.16_Shift_Analsys.pdf

Have a great first day of December everyone… We will be here!