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11/24/2016 - 11/24/16 Thanksgiving NPD Call Activity Report / Shopping Safety Tips

Happy Thanksgiving morning all …
Today will be cloudy with afternoon showers expected – Highs will be in the 40’s …. Enjoy the holiday!

Prospect St - Open
Maple St - Open (One Way)

Its Thanksgiving … which means shopping on a full stomach for many as early as later today and before the sun comes up tomorrow!!.... The NPD reminds citizens of the following crime prevention tips that can make the Christmas shopping experience safer for everyone:
• Walk purposefully and with confidence. Give the appearance that you are totally aware of your surroundings.
• Be aware of your environment and what is going on around you. Criminals tend to avoid people who have this type of demeanor.
• Perform mental exercises and plan out what you would do in different crime or personal security situations.
• Follow your instincts. If you feel you are in danger, respond immediately. Remember that your personal safety is the top priority

The Wednesday 11/23/16 NPD Call Activity Report is attached with some highlights below:

110 Total calls
6 Ambulance (Medical Assist Calls)
47 Door & School Checks / Burglar Alarm Checks (Residential / Commercial)
14 Motor Vehicle Enforcement Stops
3 Motor Vehicle Accidents (None serious)
No Vandalisms
No Burglaries
No Robberies

8 Arrests ; (1 DWI, 2 Juvenile Arrests, 3 Domestic Related, 1 Burglary, 1 Criminal Possession of Firearm)

The Wednesday 11.23.16 NPD Shift Analysis Report:…/230/704/11.24.16_Shift_Analsys…

Have a great Thanksgiving everyone… We will be here!