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10/28/2016 - 10/28/16 NPD Call Activity Report / Grandparent Scam

Good Friday morning all …
It looks like a turn back to fall starting today … the rain has cleared out and the temps are expected to rebound into the 50’s and 60’s …. With lots of sun!! … Enjoy

Prospect St - Open
Maple St - Open (One Way)

BEWARE!!! … The ole’ “your grandson is locked up in (list a far away place here) and needs several thousand dollars for bail” ….. “On a gift card” …. (or money order, wire transfer, etc….) … A resident notified us last night that this is exactly the call they received … this caller claimed that he was their “grandson” and told them he was “in police custody with Southport Police, and that he needed $4,000 via a gift card”.
The residents in this case … who are elderly …went to Walmart and secured 4 - $1000.00 gift cards and luckily, before the transaction was completed, they contacted the NPD and the transaction was stopped … however, the NPD reminds citizens to watch out for these type of scams … there are a number of ways that these predators obtain personal information to target individuals for these scams, so they can be convincing … Please be weary of ANY calls in which people try to obtain large sums of money through gift cards and money orders … and in particular, know that NO police agency is going to look for bond payments on this manner …EVER!!
The NPD Call Activity Report is attached with some highlights below:

92 Total calls
9 Ambulance (Medical Assist Calls)
37 Door & School Checks / Burglar Alarm Checks (Residential / Commercial)
5 Motor Vehicle Enforcement Stops
3 Motor Vehicle Accidents (None serious)
No Vandalisms
No Burglaries
No Robberies

5 Arrests ; (3 Warrants, 2 Motor Vehicle Related Arrest)

The Thursday 10/27/16 NPD Shift Analysis Report:…/230/704/10.28.16_Shift_Analsys…
Have a great Weekend everyone… We will be here!