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10/27/2016 - 10/27/16 NPD Call Activity Report / Identity Theft & inetrnet Safety

Good Thursday morning all …
Well… we knew it had to come, but maybe not this early! … a little snow is expected this morning … it is NOT anticipated to accumulate and outside of the moisture it will put on the roads, it is not expected to be a driving hazard … it is expected to rain with temps rising into only the lower 40’s, so please slow down and leave some time to get to your destination on the wet roads! …

Prospect St - Open
Maple St - Open (One Way)


Identity theft is a crime where a criminal assumes someone else's identity for profit. It is becoming increasingly common in developed countries, especially the U.S. There is a multitude of ways your identity can be stolen, Bank Statements, Discarded Credit Card & ATM Receipts Pre-approved Credit Card Applications, Stolen Mail, Thefts of a Wallets or Purses and through Internet Websites.
The Naugatuck PD reminds citizens to be mindful of common Identity Theft mistakes and offers some of the following suggestions to prevent identity theft from occurring;
• Shred sensitive documents
• Don’t give personal information over the phone
• Do not routinely carry your social security card or birth certificate in your wallet or purse.
• Carry ONLY those credit cards you use regularly, and cancel all unused credit cards.
• Closely review all credit card statements each month to detect unusual activity or unauthorized charges.
• Destroy pre-approved credit card solicitations, contact all three major credit-reporting bureaus in writing and “opt-out” of pre-screening lists.
• Do not use your year of birth or other easily identifiable code as a password or PIN for credit cards or ATM machines..
• Destroy all credit card and ATM receipts, do not discard them in banks or retail establishments.
• Never give your PIN number out to someone over the telephone, even if they say that they work for the bank or financial company in question.
• Be very cautious about sending personal identifying information over the Internet.

The NPD Call Activity Report is attached with some highlights below:

84 Total calls
8 Ambulance (Medical Assist Calls)
33 Door & School Checks / Burglar Alarm Checks (Residential / Commercial)
1 Motor Vehicle Enforcement Stops
2 Motor Vehicle Accidents (None serious)
2 Larcenies
No Vandalisms
No Burglaries
No Robberies

3 Arrests ; (1 DWI, 1 Motor Vehicle Related Arrest, 1 Domestic Related)

The Wednesday 10/26/16 NPD Shift Analysis Report:…/230/704/10.27.16_Shift_Analsys…

Have a great Thursday everyone… We will be here!