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10/25/2016 - 10/25/16 NPD Call Activity Report - Secure Your Cars & Turn Them Off!!

Good Tuesday morning all …

Sunny and breezy, highs in the upper 40’s to low fifties …. But Sunny… Enjoy!

Prospect St - Open
Maple St - Open (One Way)

The Naugatuck PD advised citizens yesterday again of locking their vehicles, and yet still we had more reports this morning for cars being broken into on the west side of town … please – lock your cars and secure … or better yet – REMOVE valuables … also, it’s getting colder and colder each morning, please do not leave your vehicle running unattended – this includes when you are home or out and about … we and other towns I n the area are experiencing car thefts where we know that the suspects are waiting at gas stations, convenience stores and restaurants just waiting to take cars left running unattended …. PLEASE turn your car off when its unattended and invest in a car starter if you insist on leaving it running …

The NPD Call Activity Report for Monday 10/24/16 is attached with some highlights below:

72 Total calls
5 Ambulance (Medical Assist Calls)
34 Door & School Checks / Burglar Alarm Checks (Residential / Commercial)
1 Motor Vehicle Enforcement Stops
3 Motor Vehicle Accidents (None serious)
2 Vandalisms
No Burglaries
No Robberies

3 Arrests ; (2 Warrants, 1 Juvenile Arrests)

The Monday 10/24/16 NPD Shift Analysis Report:…/230/704/10.25.16_Shift_Analsys…

Have a great Tuesday everyone… We will be here!