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10/13/2016 - 10/13/16 - NPD Call Activity Report

Good Thursday morning all …

Today is expected to be another nice day… although the is a chance of passing showers in the afternoon … should be about 70 degrees so … enjoy – again!!

Prospect St - Open
Maple St - Open (One Way)


The NPD is still investigating a missing 40 year old male, Ryan Havican. Mr. Havican was reported missing by family members that stated they had not had contact with Ryan since Tuesday 10/4/16. At that time Ryan advised that he would be visiting a friend in West Haven, CT and then returning to the Waterbury area. Family members advise that Ryans phone goes to a voice mailbox that is full. The NPD missing person press release and a photo of Mr. Havican can be seen at:…/Missing_Ryan_havican__10.12.16…

The NPD Call Activity Report is attached with some highlights below:
127 Total calls
8 Ambulance (Medical Assist Calls)
32 Door & School Checks / Burglar Alarm Checks (Residential / Commercial)
10 Motor Vehicle Enforcement Stops
2 Motor Vehicle Accidents (None serious)
No Vandalisms
No Burglaries
No Robberies

9 Arrests ; (5 Warrants, 1 Motor Vehicle Related Arrest, 1 Domestic Related, 2 Probation Violation)

The Wednesday 10/12/16 NPD Shift Analysis Report:…/230/704/10.13.16_Shift_Analsys…

Have a great Thursday everyone… We will be here!