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10/6/2016 - 10/6/16 NPD Call Activity Report - "Clown Free Thursday"

Good Thursday morning all …

Today will be sunny and warm! …expected to be between 70-75 degrees … sunglasses and smiles all around!!

Prospect St - Open
Maple St - Open (One Way)


Yesterday the NPD had a "clown Free" day ... this was a welcome sight (or lack there of) from previous days .... so, lets keep it going folks - maybe we can start a new trend ... lets enjoy a "clown free Thursday"!!

.... The NPD investigated a report of vandalism to construction equipment yesterday morning in which the air was let out of tires on the equipment on roughly a dozen machines … while not costly in damage the act became costly in time lost to the company …

The NPD also investigated a home burglary on Cliff Street that the home owner believed to have occurred during the afternoon.

If anyone has information on these incidents you are urged to contact the Naugatuck PD at 203-729-5221 or the NPD Confidential Tip Line at 203-720-1010.

The Wednesday 10/5/16 NPD Call Activity Report is attached with some highlights below:

113 Total calls
7 Ambulance (Medical Assist Calls)
48 Door checks / Burglar Alarm checks (Residential / Commercial)
10 Motor Vehicle enforcement stops
1 Motor Vehicle Accidents (None serious)
1 Vandalisms (Spencer Street – Construction Equipment)
1 Burglaries (Residence on Cliff street)
No Robberies

1 Arrest ; (1 Shop Lifting)

The Wednesday 10/5/16 NPD Call Activity Report:…/2…/704/10.6.16_Shift_Anlsys.pdf

Have a great Thursday everyone… We will be here!