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9/27/2016 - 9.26.16 NPD Call Activity Repoort / Furnace Safety

Good Monday morning all,

The weather was definitely fall like this morning … but its going to turn into a great weather day – sunny and mid 60’s … Enjoy!


Prospect St - Open
Maple St - Open (One Way)

The Naugatuck PD wishes to remind citizens to have their furnaces and fireplaces cleaned before turning them on, every year we are called with our friends at the NFD to respond to furnace and fireplace malfunctions … which sometimes lead to full out fires …

Today’s furnaces do an amazing job at simultaneously keeping our homes safe and warm. But just like any fuel-burning appliance, your furnace can develop problems that can lead to safety hazards in your home. In order to keep your home protected all season long, today we’re providing you with six furnace safety tips to keep in mind this winter!
5 furnace safety tips to keep in mind this winter
• Schedule your annual tune-up - A tune-up is essential if you want to have the peace-of-mind that your furnace will run safely all winter long!
• Test your carbon monoxide detectors - Be sure to test all of the detectors in your home and install a fresh pair of batteries in each unit.
• Test your smoke alarms - Just like with your CO detectors, test all of the smoke alarms in your home and install a fresh pair of batteries in each unit.
• Keep the area around your furnace clear - You can help minimize the chance of fire hazards from your furnace by keeping the area around your system clear.
• Change your air filter when it’s dirty- It’s important to check and/or change your filter once a month this winter.


211 Total calls
21 Ambulance (Medical Assist Calls)
61 Door checks / Burglar Alarm checks (Residential / Commercial)
12 Motor Vehicle enforcement stops
4 Motor Vehicle Accidents (None serious)
1 Vandalism (To Vehicle @ 933 Rubber Ave.)
1 Larceny (From Vehicle on Hillcrest
No Burglaries
No Robberies
6 Arrests ; (1 Domestic Related, 3 DWI, 1 Warrants, 1 Breach of Peace / Disorderly Related)

The Weekend NPD Call Activity report:…/7…/9.26.16_NPD_Call_Act_Rpt.pdf

Have a great Monday everyone… We will be here!