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9/14/2016 - 9/14/16 NPD call Activity Report

Good Wednesday morning all,

We will have a mostly clear day today – with some rain showers moving through in the afternoon / evening – this will possibly be during the afternoon commute, so please remember to leave some extra time and slow down on the wet roads … and please remember to use your head lights when using your wipers … it’s the law!!

Bridge Report for Wednesday 9/7/16:
Prospect St - Open
Maple St - Open (One Way)

**The next scheduled bridge closure is THIS WEEKEND - The Prospect Street Bridge is scheduled to be closed beginning on Friday Night 9/16/16 at 9:00 PM. The closure will last as long as needed up until Monday Morning at 6:00 AM. The Maple Street bridge will remain open, west bound only and Salem Bridge will be fully open.**

The NPD received multiple reports of break-ins or attempted break-ins, in two areas of town, A vacant residence on City Hill Street on the east side of town was reported to have been broken into. On the West Side a commercial property on Salem Street and a residence on Svea Ave both had attempted break-ins occur.

We ask all residents to be vigilant and report any suspicious persons or vehicles they may see. We also ask that if anyone has information regarding any of these break-ins or attempted break-ins that you contact the Naugatuck PD at 203-729-5221 or the NPD Confidential Tip Line at 203-720-1010.

The NPD Call Activity Report is attached with some highlights below:

89 Total calls
5 Ambulance (Medical Assist Calls)
22 Door checks / Burglar Alarm checks (Residential / Commercial)
7 Motor Vehicle enforcement stops
3 Motor Vehicle Accidents (None serious)
3 Vandalisms / Larcenies / Break-ins
No Burglaries
No Robberies

3 Arrests ; (1 Motor Vehicle Related Arrest, 2 Domestic Related)

The Tuesday 9/13/16 NPD Call Activity report:…/2…/704/9.14.16_Call_Act_Rpt.pdf

Have a great Wednesday everyone… We will be here!