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7/27/2016 - 7/27/16 NPD Call Act Report

Happy Wednesday morning all,

The great weather train continues to roll … put on the sunglasses and sunscreen and enjoy the ride … winter will unfortunately be here before we know it … and I will remind you of how we complained about the heat!!!

The NPD is still receiving reports of car break-ins occurring in all parts of town … Please keep your cars locked and valuables secured … Report ANY suspicious persons or activities to police as soon as possible so we can check them!

The Tuesday NPD Call Activity Report is attached with some highlights below:

108 Total calls

9 Ambulance (Medical Assist Calls)

15 Door checks / Burglar Alarm checks (Residential / Commercial)

3 Motor Vehicle enforcement stops

4 Motor Vehicle Accidents (None serious)

2 Vandalisms – Breens Field Hotchkiss & North Main St – Graffiti

1 Larceny - Car Break In – Sunburt Rd.  

No Burglaries

No Robberies  


7 Arrests ; (2 DWI, 2 Warrants, 1 Protective Order Violation, 2 Domestic Related )


The Tuesday 7/26/16 NPD Call Activity report:


Have a great Wednesday everyone… We will be here!