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7/14/2016 - 7/14/16 Call Act Report for Wednesday 7.13.16

Good Thursday morning all,

The stretch of great …and HOT … weather is taking siesta today …. With the break will come some rain, expected to be heavy during the evening … please remember to slow down and use caution when driving in the rain … turn on those headlights as well as we want to make sure the diehard pokemoners can see you coming!

The NPD had what was apparently an average day … with a bit of a twist yesterday… Now as a police officer you never know what will come across the daily blotter …. I mean, just when you think you may have seen and or heard it all …. WHAM – another one comes in to knock your socks off!! …. Well,

Reviewing yesterday’s activity, It wasn’t the car driving down Old Firehouse Road at about 5:30 PM … in reverse … no, that was pretty normally – abnormal ….. It also wasn’t the report of a suspicious person sleeping on his porch …. Except that … it wasn’t his porch … or the 9:30 PM report of suspicious persons - a group of MEN, Exiting a car on Cherry Street, Shining a light into a residence through the front door….they were playing Pokemon …..

No …. No … The winner was a Larceny 6th warrant arrest …. Stemming from an incident that occurred in May …. In which …. A HORSE…. Was stolen  ….. Yes ….. I said HORSE ….. Definitely don’t see that everyday, not in the Borough anyway….  Now, know that it wasn’t concealed under someone’s coat or stolen from out of someone’s car … it was more of a person selling the horse when they did not have the rights to the horse to sell it …. But still …. It was a larceny of a horse…..

So outside of the usually –unusual, here are some other things to be aware of;

The NPD has received numerous reports of car break ins on the west side of town …. The cars are being rummaged through and resulting larcenies are often being discovered …. We are reminding everyone to please make sure cars are secured … this means LOCKED …. And that you remove any valuables … this means things you would not want someone else to have that belong to you …..

The NPD wishes to advise citizens….(And please remember I am the messenger here ….) that the Prospect Street Bridge (Route 68) will be CLOSED to all traffic this weekend …. Please use alternate routes to avoid being detoured and delayed….


The Wednesday NPD Call Activity Report is attached with some highlights below:

101 Total calls

4 Ambulance (Medical Assist Calls)

18 Door checks / Burglar Alarm checks (Residential / Commercial)

23 Motor Vehicle enforcement stops

2 Motor Vehicle Accidents (None serious)

No Vandalisms

No Burglaries

No Robberies  

4 Arrests ; (1 DWI, 1 Warrants, 1 Threatening,  1 Motor Vehicle Related Arrest)


The Wednesday 7.14.16 NPD Call Activity report:


Have a great Thursday everyone… We will be here!