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7/8/2016 - 7/8/16 NPD Call Activity Report

Good Friday morning all,

We are looking at more showers and storms today … please drive carefully in the rain and remember to put on those head lights …. And in case my mom is reading this … the wipers as well (…..long story!)

Earlier this morning I posted about the beautiful gesture to our officers by one of our great citizens as they left a dozen wrapped flowers at our flag pole … this gesture tugged at all our hearts and meant a lot to all the officers here at the NPD …

… Well, it did not stop there … another of our great citizens brought us another gesture of support via DONUTS!! …. This one tugged at our hearts AND out stomachs!! …. It was accompanied by notes of support and encouragement …. Again – Thank you for the great gestures!! …. (BTW…The powdered ones were especially uplifting !) …

The original post has officially gone viral … at at this moment has 1.4 K likes … (shared 496 times and has 63 (…overwhelmingly positive…..) comments) …. Thank you …
Please keep the officers and the families of the Dallas PD in your thoughts …. As well as ALL law enforcement officers as the pain they are experiencing in Dallas is felt by us all – both in and out of law enforcement ….

The Friday NPD Call Activity Report is attached along with some highlights below:

83 Total calls

5 Ambulance (Medical Assist Calls)
28 Door checks / Burglar Alarm checks (Residential / Commercial)
4 Motor Vehicle enforcement stops
No Motor Vehicle Accidents
No Vandalisms
No Burglaries
No Robberies

2 Arrests ; (2 Motor Vehicle Related Arrest)

The Thursday 7/7/16 NPD Call Activity report:…/230/704/7.8.16_Call_Act_Rpt.pdf

Have a great Friday everyone… We will be here!