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6/22/2016 - 6/22/16 NPD call Activity Report for Tuesday 6.21.16 - Kids / pets in cars

Happy Wednesday all,

A little late getting the report out today …. As you can all tell we have been blessed with another great weather day! …. Enjoy again!!

Yesterday I left you with some tips about leaving pets in cars in the heat …. Well, actually I left you with some tips for NOT leaving pets in cars with the heat … and today on the news I noticed a few stories regarding cars and children being left in them …. This is of course an equally important subject … while it sounds silly to some, this happens quite frequently – here in Naugatuck we have had cases of persons leaving the car running with the AC on to run into convenience stores … this again is equally as bad as forgetting a child in a car – as cars are taken all the time when they are left running and unattended …. Please double check your car before leaving it and never purposely leave it occupied – running or not with pets or small children inside …

The Tuesday NPD Call Activity Report is attached with some of the highlights listed below:

116 Total calls
4 Ambulance (Medical Assist Calls)
32 Door checks / Burglar Alarm checks (Residential / Commercial)
13 Motor Vehicle enforcement stops
5 Motor Vehicle Accidents (None serious)
No Vandalisms
N0 Burglaries
No Robberies
3 Arrests ; (2 Warrants, 1 Motor Vehicle Related Arrest)

The Tuesday 6.21.16 NPD Call Activity report:…/2…/704/6.22.16_Call_Act_Rpt.pdf

Have a great Wednesday everyone… We will be here!