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6/20/2016 - 6/20/16 - Weekend Call Activity Report - Robbery on 6.19.16

Good Monday morning all,

Happy first day of SUMMER … hopefully we greatly reduce the risk of snow over the next few weeks … This past winter was not exactly jam packed with snow days … and I keep waiting for the shoe to drop …. Hopefully it does not occur during July – however this is Connecticut … and anything is possible!! …. Until then, wear the sunglasses and enjoy!!

The NPD had an active weekend – particularly last night …. Strap in folks cause this one is a classic ….  It all started around 5:00 PM last night when the fine officers of the NPD responded to Salem Park on a report of two 17 year old juveniles that had been robbed of a cell phone and approximately $200 cash. ….. The juvenile victims advised that they had been robbed by five males and that one of them held a gun, later determined to be a “BB Gun”,  to one of the victims head and hit the victim several times with the gun. …. Lets not down play the fact that this gun was not a “real” gun … when one is robbed with a gun … a gun is a gun ….  They all look real – and they all look “Big”.

….. Witnesses reported seeing the suspects get picked up by a car that then dropped the suspects off at a residence on Olive Street.  …. When officers attempted to make contact with the home owner, she refused to cooperate with police and barricaded the front door …. I think we can all agree that nothing says you more than likely have the correct home of potential robbery suspects like an uncooperative individual behind a barricaded door ……  

… We decided not to pack it in and call the investigation based on the uncooperative home owner …. They teach us in police school to be patient and wait it out …. So stubbornly we waited it out at the residence …. Our perseverance paid off as we eventually gained entry to the residence where our suspects were all found hiding in the attic … further investigation revealed that the home owner was a parent of one of the suspects …. and was also the operator of the vehicle that picked up the suspects from the robbery .… (On a side note – I was lucky to get my mom to pick me up on time from baseball practice … just saying ….. Guess some kids have all the luck) …. The home owner was arrested along with the robbery suspects … Oh – and the father was also arrested … because he had an active arrest warrant for a separate incident …. Happy Fathers Day ….

… This was a great job by the officers and detectives that investigated this incident – their efforts solved this incident promptly and quickly brought it to a relatively peaceful resolution …

We did have other happenings over the weekend – The weekend NPD Call Activity Report is attached with the following highlights:


290 Total calls

20 Ambulance (Medical Assist Calls)

54 Door checks / Burglar Alarm checks (Residential / Commercial)

42 Motor Vehicle enforcement stops

10 Motor Vehicle Accidents (None serious)

1 Vandalism (6/18/16 – Car on New Haven Rd.

2  Burglaries (1 residence -Domestic related on Hillside Ave & 1 Residence on Sunburst reported on 6/19)

1 Robbery (Above arrests)    

17 Arrests ; (5 Warrants, 2 Interfering w/ Ofc, 2 Motor Vehicle Related Arrest, 1 Larceny, 5 Robbery Arrests,  1 Burglary Arrest, 1 Domestic Arrest)


The weekend NPD Call Activity report:


Have a great Monday everyone… We will be here!