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6/17/2016 - 6.17.16 NPD Call Act Report & Burglary Tips

Good Friday morning all,

Happy first day of the rest of your lives NHS grads!! … The class of 2016 took their final steps as Borough students and are moving on to …. Well whatever they decide to move on to!! … Good luck to all … particularly you parents that will be footing the bill for them while they “sort it all out”!!

The NPD had a couple vandalisms in the form of graffiti reported over the past couple days on Meadow St and Central Ave – please keep an eye out and report any suspicious activity to us as soon as possible … there was also a burglary of an apartment reported on High Street …. Here’s a few tips convicted burglars provided to police over the years:

  1. Announcing you are away on Facebook is a great way to invite a burglary … the further away the better!
  2. Two things burglars hate the most – Loud dogs and nosy neighbors … embrace them both if you have them!
  3. Break in attempts are best done while dressed like a worker and a knock at the door … if you answer an offer to do some sort of work like clean the yard or fix a gutter is made … they will likely hit a neighbor or may just come back… Report these type incidents to police immediately so we can check them out!
  4. A stack of newspapers or piling mail is an invitation to burglarize … discontinue delivery while away or have someone pick up daily…
  5. Watch who you hire and get references … that carpet cleaner, painter or delivery man gets a good look at the home and just might return to clean out more than just your carpets….
  6. Loud TV sets or radios are often a much better deterrent than a burglar alarm … don’t be afraid to leave them on while you’re out.
  7. While you might think you’re cleaver putting valuables or money in the sock drawer or night stand – it’s one of the first places that’s hit … but kids room are often left alone … just saying!!
  8. And although its June …. You do live in Connecticut …. If it snows and you’re out of town have someone shovel for you or at least make some tire / foot prints to make it look like your home … fresh untouched snow is another great invitation!

The NPD Call Activity Report for Wed / Thurs is attached along with the following highlights:

209 Total calls

18 Ambulance (Medical Assist Calls)

39 Door checks / Burglar Alarm checks (Residential / Commercial)

23 Motor Vehicle enforcement stops

8 Motor Vehicle Accidents (None serious)

 3 Vandalisms ( 2 - Graffiti to businesses on Meadow St & Central Ave / 1 - Residence on Woodland St)

1 Burglary (Apartment on High St)

No Robberies  

10 Arrests ; (1 DWI, 2 Warrants, 2 Motor Vehicle Related Arrest, 1 Breach of Peace / Disorderly Related, 2 Domestic Related, 2 Criminal Violation of Protective Orders)


The Wed / Thurs 6/15 - 16/16 NPD Call Activity report:


Have a great weekend everyone… We will be here!