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6/15/2016 - 6.15.16 NPD Call Activity Report for Tuesday 6.14.16

Good Wednesday morning everyone,

Nice and sunny again today … wear the sunglasses & enjoy!!

The NPD reminds citizens that stop signs are intended to stop at! …. Seems silly but many times drivers feel that slowing down is sufficient …. This is a very bad habit to fall into as eventually you will strike something …. Just about every day we deal with these types of collisions and they are very preventable …simply stopping at posted stop signs and making sure there is nothing that will interfere  with the direction you intend to proceed will keep you from being involved in what would surely be an UNWANTED collision! ….. Drive safely everyone … and STOP at those stop signs!  


NPD Call Activity Report Highlights:

91 Total calls

8 Ambulance (Medical Assist Calls)

11 Door checks / Burglar Alarm checks (Residential / Commercial)

6 Motor Vehicle enforcement stops

2 Motor Vehicle Accidents (None serious)

1 Vandalism (Car on Aetna St – Reported @ 1:20 PM)  

N0 Burglaries

No Robberies  

7 Arrests ; (1 DWI, 5 Warrants, 1 Breach of Peace / Disorderly Related)


The Tuesday 6.14.16 NPD Call Activity report:



Have a great Wednesday everyone… We will be here!