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6/7/2016 - 6/7/16 Call activity report for 6.6.16

Happy Tuesday Everyone,

Weather today is looking bright and sunny … very typical of the weekday weather pattern that appears to be setting on us … the weekend is now looking to be deteriorating so my suggestion …. Enjoy the sunny weather while its here!!

The NPD would like to remind citizens that leaving cars running unattended is not a great idea…. Every year we receive a good number of vehicles that are taken in this way … no we have not had any here recently but while on my way to work this morning I stopped for my usual cup –o –Joe (and donut …. Ok – ok ….donut’s ….) and I observed a vehicle left running, unattended and unlocked in the parking lot

 …. I located the owner and spoke with them about this and the innocently replied that the car AC was running weak and that they did not want to sweat it out ….. I reminded them that they would likely sweat quite a bit if they had to walk to the PD to report the car stolen …. They agreed and I think accepted the advice for the future …. Upon returning out of the store (Coffee and donut in hand …. Yes – DONUT – singular …. I ate the other one inside the store while waiting ….) I observed another car running, unattended .... aaaaaaaand unlocked ….. I repeated the above actions with a seemingly receptive vehicle owner ….

….. So please folks …. Turn those cars off & lock em’ when they are unattended …. Cause lets face it …. Walking is only fun when its planned!!   

The Monday NPD Call Activity Report is attached with the below highlights:

104 Total calls

7 Ambulance (Medical Assist Calls)

38 Door checks / Burglar Alarm checks (Residential / Commercial)

15 Motor Vehicle enforcement stops

2 Motor Vehicle Accidents (None serious)

No Vandalisms

N0 Burglaries

No Robberies  

6 Arrests ; (3 Warrants, 1 Motor Vehicle Related Arrest,  1 Domestic Related, 1 Protective Order Violation)


The Monday 6/6/16 NPD Call Activity report:


Have a great Tuesday everyone… We will be here!