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5/27/2016 - 5/27/16 NPD Call Activity Report / Burglaries and vandals
Good Friday morning all,

Weather is hot AGAIN … Bring it on!! Looks pretty nice through the holiday weekend every one … enjoy.

A couple of items as we enter this holiday weekend;

The annual memorial Day Parade will take place on Monday – please keep this in mind if you have plans to drive anywhere along the parade route on Monday morning as there are a significant amount of roads that will be closed or detoured during the event (North Main St., Calvin St, High St, Oak Street, Maple St, Old Firehouse Rd, Lower Rubber Ave, to Church St).

The NPD is participating in the national CLICK IT OR TICKET campaign – our traffic unit and patrol division will be looking for any motorists in violation of the states seat belt laws as well as other motor vehicle violations they may observe. Please buckle up and drive safely!

The NPD had a busy day yesterday – 10 arrests were made (report can be found on a web page under “ARRESTS”) One of the arrests involved a subject found to be going through a car on Rubber Ave. the Vehicle owner called police after watching the person open their car door and go into the vehicle. … when the car owner asked the person what they were doing he replied “nothing – I didn’t take anything” … He then told the home owner to “go ahead and call the police”… they did … and … yada – yada – yada, he’s in jail!! … Please do what this car owner did and contact us promptly when seeing anything suspicious!!!

We had a residential burglary reported to us yesterday (un related to the above car burglary arrest) from a home on East Waterbury Road. Our Detectives are still investigating this incident. There was also a vandalism to a car reported from the upper parking area of NHS on Millville Ave. … we would like to remind citizens to lock their homes and cars and to again, contact us ASAP if they observe anything suspicious…

The NPD Call Activity Report for Thursday is listed below along with the following highlights:

126 Total calls

8 Ambulance (Medical Assist Calls)
27 Door checks / Burglar Alarm checks (Residential / Commercial)
18 Motor Vehicle enforcement stops
2 Motor Vehicle Accidents (None serious)
1 Vandalism (To MV @ NHS Parking Lot)
2 Burglaries (1) Residence on East Waterbury Rd / 2) *MV on Rubber Ave – *Arrest made)
No Robberies

10 Arrests ; (1 Warrant, 1 Burglary, 2 Motor Vehicle Related Arrest, 5 Probation Violations, 1 DWI)

The Thursday 5/26/16 NPD Call Activity report:

Have a great weekend everyone… We will be here!