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4/21/2016 - 4/21/16 - NPD Call Activity Report for Wednesday 4.20.16

Happy Thursday Everyone,,

Yet another great weather day today… Looks like the weekend will be nice as well, little cooler but looking good! No weather related driving issues to be aware of today however we may hit a bump in the road (no pun intended!) tomorrow as some rain may move in in the PM…

The NPD continues our distracted driving crackdown … officers made numerous distracted driving violation stops … despite our repeated warnings, and the warnings from PD around the nation that are also participating in this campaign …. People are still phoning on hand held devices and texting while driving … We encourage everyone to please save those and all other distracting activities for after your trip is completed!

The Wednesday NPD Call Activity Report is attached with some of the reports highlights posted below:

86 Total calls

7 Ambulance (Medical Assist Calls)

29 Door checks / Burglar Alarm checks (Residential / Commercial)

23 Motor Vehicle enforcement stops

1 Motor Vehicle Accidents (None serious)

1 Burglary (Items noticed taken from home on Spring St / No forced entry)  

No Vandalisms

No Robberies  


2 Arrests ; (2 Shop Lifting)


The Wednesday NPD Call Activity report:


Have a great Thursday everyone… We will be here!