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3/30/2016 - 3/30/16 - NPD Call Activity Report for Tuesday 3/29/16

Good Wednesday morning all,

Step Right Up … to the Wild Spring Weather Roller coaster Folks…. We’ve had rain…we’ve Had Wind…Today we’ll have beautiful sunshine … Tomorrow the wind will return and as a final act …. Snow…because its finally spring…so of course ….it should snow…. Loooooooove New England!!

The NPD Call Activity Report for Tuesday is attached with some of the reports highlights posted below – light day yesterday…must’ve been all the wind!!:

80 Total calls

8 Ambulance (Medical Assist Calls)

25 Door checks / Burglar Alarm checks (Residential / Commercial)

7 Motor Vehicle enforcement stops

3 Motor Vehicle Accidents (None serious)

1 Suspicious Persons

2 Suspicious Vehicle

N0 Burglaries

No Robberies  

4 Arrests ; (1 Shop Lifting, 1 Warrant, 1 Domestic Related,1 Motor Vehicle Related Arrest)


The Tuesday 3/29/16 NPD Call Activity report:


Have a great Wednesday everyone… We will be here!