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3/21/2016 - 3.21.16 / NPD Weekend Call Activity Report

Good Monday morning all,

Well, we actually got some snow…and of course it is falling in the early AM to try and mess up the morning commute! Luckily we have had no reported problems on the roads here in Naugatuck … Just a reminder to take your time this morning and leave yourself some extra time to safely get to your destination.

The NPD was busy over the weekend…The weekend NPD Call Activity Report is attached with some of the reports highlights posted below:

283 Total calls

20 Ambulance (Medical Assist Calls)

63 Door checks / Burglar Alarm checks (Residential / Commercial)

46 Motor Vehicle enforcement stops

7 Motor Vehicle Accidents (None serious)

5 Suspicious Persons

10 Suspicious Vehicle

N0 Burglaries

No Robberies  

22 Arrests ; (3 DWI, 5 Warrants,2  Domestic Related, 1 Drug Related, 7 Motor Vehicle Related Arrest, 4 Disorderly Conduct/ Breach of Peace )


The weekend Call Activity report:


Have a great Monday everyone… We will be here!