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3/16/2016 - 3/16/16 - NPD Call Activity Report for Tuesday / Solicitors Safety Info

Good Wednesday morning all,

Its going to be a clear day today … until tonight when more rain moves in – it should not be here until later this evening so the evening commute home should not be wet!

We posted yesterday about some scams that have been floating around the area lately – specifically I talked about the “IRS” scam – Dispatchers advised me they took many calls from people stating they had received the calls …. Luckily most callers advised that they recognized the calls as a scam and very few advised that they had provided any information to the callers.

I’d like to continue that conversation on scams today to include ANYONE that approaches your door. When someone knocks at your door, always acknowledge you are home. Talk through the door without opening it. You are not obligated to open the door for anyone. Identification should always be verified before opening the door. A wide-angle door viewer is an absolute must if visibility of the person(s) is not possible. Most service representatives should have appointments and not just "show up" at your door

Do not rely on a door chain for security. Partially opening a door equipped with a door chain is not a safe practice. The door is not secured. A door chain cannot withstand physical force. To ensure your safety, follow these simple steps:

  1. Talk to the person through the door. If you don't know the person, don't open the door.
  2. Ask what they need. If it is a car problem, offer to call their road service for them. If it is an accident, call 9-1-1 for them. The idea is to keep them outside and you make the call for them.
  3. Ask them to stand by while you place the call. If the person(s) stays, it is a good chance that they are legitimate; however, if they leave quickly, it is probably a con artist.

As with any suspicious circumstances, information about the suspect is of great benefit to the police in locating the suspect. Take a good look at their face, clothing, any distinguishing features, direction of travel, another person, vehicle, etc.

If the person leaves quickly, consider it very suspicious - it would be best to call the Police Department immediately.  Call 9-1-1 or (203) 729-5221 (Police dispatch).


The Tuesday NPD Call Activity Report is attached with some of the reports highlights posted below:

122 Total calls

7 Ambulance (Medical Assist Calls)

36 Door checks / Burglar Alarm checks (Residential / Commercial)

21 Motor Vehicle enforcement stops

2 Motor Vehicle Accidents (None serious)

6 Suspicious Persons

4 Suspicious Vehicle

N0 Burglaries

No Robberies  

5 Arrests ; (2 Shop Lifting, 1 DWI, 1 Drug Related, 1 Motor Vehicle Related Arrest)


The Tuesday 3/15/16 NPD Call Activity report:


Have a great Wednesday everyone… We will be here!