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11/12/2015 - NPD Facebook Post 11/12/15 - "Too Bad" Arrest Review

Greetings all,

I’m back with another segment of the “Too Bad” arrest review, covering a couple riveting arrests made by the NPD over the past week or so…

For those of you new comers – the “Too Bad” arrest review covers some of the “different” things our officers encounter when having to make arrests… The idea for the review was not only to report that arrests were made – after all, we send out frequent arrest blotters covering all arrest on our web and social media pages – but to show just how “out there” some people will go when being arrested…. Remember – these are all LOCAL arrests – Just like all PD’s - we don’t need to search elsewhere for these tales – these zany encounters happen on a regular basis here in the Borough!! … So those of you with the “its only Naugatuck” mentality … read on – you’d be surprised what goes on in your little town of Naugy!!

Before we begin though – here is my usual disclaimer:

"All persons in these segments are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law and we reserve the right to change the names of those involved (if names are used at all) to protect the innocent" ...

“Carma’s Riddin’ Shotgun”

On 11/07/15 at about 01:30 AM Naugatuck Officers were dispatched to the parking lot located at 173 Rubber Avenue on the report of a two vehicle accident.

Upon arrival of the officers they observed two males standing in the parking lot. … For the purposes of this story we will call them “Harry” and “Lloyd” … (…. FYI – I randomly picked these two names out of my head… It is a simple coincidence these happen to be the star character names of the movie “Dumb and Dumber” – I thought of two names and “Bing” – THOSE two names came to me… It’s a simple as that – Nothing more – Nothing Less….)

…Both subjects, Harry and Lloyd were standing between their vehicles which officers noticed had both suffered minor damage. …“Harry” stated that about 45 minutes earlier he was at a near by bar when he observed “Lloyd” , whom he felt was very intoxicated, but was “cut off” and not provided with a drink - leave the bar, go out to his car and leave – and in doing so “Harry” claimed “Lloyd” nearly struck a pedestrian” as he pulled away.

… NOTE – normally this would be a great time to alert the “officials” … a man appears intoxicated – leaves a bar in that condition – and as he drives away, nearly strikes a pedestrian… Yep – That’s prime “Call the police” material… But that was not the case for this subject… He kept to himself until …. Well, you’ll have to stick around to get the rest! …

“Harry” advised that he left the bar he was at and went to another bar … on Rubber Ave – near the above mentioned parking lot….and a short time later – “Lloyd” arrives (Go figure… They were destined for each other!) … “Harry” advised that he went outside the bar to smoke a cigarette and observed the “Lloyd” back up his SUV into the back driver side of “Harry’s” truck. (“Carma’s a you-know-what! …If “Harry” had gone straight to the police … None of this would have ever happened!)…

…“Harry” stated he went over to talk to “Lloyd”, who offered to pay “Harry” for the damage however “Harry” decided that now would be a great time to make that call to the police….

…Officers then spoke with “Lloyd” whom they observed to show signs of intoxication (IE: swaying while standing, strong odor of alcohol on his breath, glassy eyes…) … “Lloyd” advised officers that he would not answer any questions about how much alcohol he consumed stating he did not want to incriminate himself… (Which – by the way folks, is perfectly fine – you always have the right to remain silent … but the cat is pretty much out of the bag when your fully intoxicated… I mean – admitting “WHERE” or “HOW MUCH” you drank is not the thing that’s going to get you arrested – officers have already determined that based on your actions … we are mostly asking at that point to “dot the “I’s and cross the T’s” ….. But …Silence is golden they say!!)

…. Although “Lloyd” would not admit to where or how much he drank - he did admit to backing into “Harry's” vehicle with his vehicle…

“Lloyd” was arrested and booked into the NPD B&B “Silent drinkers” suite, where he proceeded to submit to testing that showed him to be over three times the legal limit…. Which bumped him up to the “Lucky I didn’t kill someone” suite … Its our new “Comps Rewards” program at the MPD B&B!!!

“Impatience is a virtue”

On 11/7/15 at about 10:00 PM Naugatuck Officers observed a vehicle traveling west bound on Spring Street, turn onto Porter Ave. without stopping for the posted stop sign at that location.

Officers stopped the vehicle which was driven by a female operator. Officers advised that the operator immediately exited the vehicle and refused to comply with requests to stay in the vehicle…

…. Now – I will add some commentary here explaining that this is very problematic for officers … Yes – there are parts of the country that request stopped motorists to exit their vehicles, however this practice is largely being phased out as it has been shown that motorists exiting vehicles is dangerous, not only to officers due to threats they may encounter but can also be very dangerous to the motorist as certain roads are very hazardous and at times due to weather, road conditions can become dangerous…. So please – if stopped by police – STAY IN YOUR VEHICLE … wait for the officer(s) approach and they will determine if you should exit your vehicle … End of commentary – Now back to our regularly scheduled story!!...

…The operator was claiming that she did not feel well, and eventually complied with officers requests to be seated back into her car… Upon speaking with her she advised that she was suffering from a rare disease called “cantstop-alidias”, which prevents the person operating a MV from being able to stop at stop signs… The operator had a note for this condition and officers promptly let her go … …. Just Joking!! … … She actually claimed to “not feel well” and added that she was “too dizzy” to locate her vehicle paperwork in her glove box… Officers offered her medical treatment but she refused … and became increasingly agitated …

… So – lets compare notes here for all of you scoring at home… Officers see violation… stop car … operator is immediately uncooperative …. Claims to not feel well, but refuses treatment … continues to not cooperate and continue to claim to not feel well … to the point that she cant even gather her vehicles paperwork …. And then becomes agitated that she is stopped and that the investigation is taking so long…. …. If we have our cards scored correctly it adds up to “a whole lotta bull!!!...

Our operator then decided that she would yell at officers to “leave her alone” and started “shaking her fist in the air” (…Yes – the report actually says “shaking her fist in the air”…I read it three or four times to make sure I had that right!)… and then started swearing at officers – including name calling of one of the female officers by a female anatomy part that would make a sailor blush….

Now – just for the record… I believe I’m on safe ground here by stating that NEVER in the history of law enforcement has someone been stopped by police, was un cooperative to the point of swearing and name calling and THEN “demanded” to be “left alone” …has an officer EVER then turned and said to themselves “ya know self… she did ask to be left alone… I think I'm just going to let this person go” … .... Its NEVER happened …. And …. Guess what…Its STILL never happened!

To boot she then told the female officer that "I hope one day you get raped and get killed." …. (Please note that in my assumption...either one of those things on their own would be plenty bad enough to wish on someone... she wished them BOTH on the officer.... I’d have to say she was pretty agitated…)

When all else failed – the operator then threatened to harm herself…and proceeded to get make a cell phone call to a friend to tell them “goodbye” …

The operator was advised that she would have to be sent to a local hospital to be evaluated based on her statements of wanting to harm herself…which then led to an altercation as she lunged at the female officer and tried grabbing her by the head and hair. Officers detained the subject and placed her under arrest…

…The operator was taken to the NPD where she was booked and charged with “Failure to stop for posted stop sign”, “Assault on an officer” and “Breach of Peace”… She was then sent to a local hospital to be evaluated… … Final note – Just my advice but…Its so much easier to just cooperate and be polite … even if you disagree with the police – it saves everyone a whole lotta time & energy!!

So that’s it –that’s our “Too Bad” arrest review this week… We will be back next week with a new “Too Bad” arrest review… Until then – We will be here!!