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10/26/2015 - NPD - Facebook Post - 10.23.15 - IM BACK!
NPD - Facebook Post - 10.23.15 - IM BACK!

Ok – I know its been a while… but Ive been a little busy and got side lined from my social media duties for a little bit… But – not to worry cause – IM BACK BABY! … And its time for a little weekend “TOO BAD”!!
So lets jump right into it here – Its been a while but here’s our latest edition of “Too Bad Friday” arrests for the past few weeks … before we begin – here is my usual disclaimer:
"All persons in these segments are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law and we reserve the right to change the names of those involved (if names are used at all) to protect the innocent" ...

On June 4, 2015 at 8:58 PM NPD Officers were dispatched to investigate an evading motor vehicle accident complaint.

Officers spoke with the victim who stated that while driving on Rubber Avenue near the intersection of Hoadley Street his vehicle was sideswiped by another vehicle traveling in the opposite direction. The victim advised that the evading vehicle crossed over into his lane and struck him along the driver side. The victim advised that the vehicle did not stop and continued eastbound on Rubber Avenue. The victim provided a vehicle description and …. Dant-dant DAHHHHHHHH…. A vehicle license plate – which was entered into our magical polic-iee -thingy -computer -system that provided us with a Name, address and vehicle description – (that by the way matched perfectly with the victims description – go figure….).

Officers documented the victim’s vehicle damage – including paint transfer from the offending vehicle – and identified the offender and their vehicle in Waterbury…. The offender played “hard to get” and decided that not returning calls to the police would surely get them out of the jam…. NOT ….. a warrant was issued for the offender who was notified and turned herself in…. No word on if the offender received a refund on driving lessons …. Or the horrible legal advice of how to handle officers calling about an accident….


On October 2, 2015 at 1:00 AM Naugatuck Officers were sent to investigate a suspicious vehicle complaint on Valentine Street. The complainants advised that a white vehicle was  playing music loudly in the neighborhood and that the vehicle was pulling in and out of driveways with its headlights off.

Responding officers located a white vehicle parked in the road at the corner of Noble Ave and New Haven Road not far from Valentine Street. Officers observed that the vehicle did not have its headlights on but the engine was running… and heard music coming from the vehicle.  As officers approached the vehicle they also noticed a female sitting in the driver seat of the car. 

Officers explained to the driver that residents in the area were complaining due to the volume of the music coming from her vehicle and that she had been seen driving without headlights. The driver was  asked why she was parked at the end of the road she explained that she was “just texting on her cell phone”.  …. Now at this junction in time – usually an officer has a pretty good idea of what is going on…. And USUALLY one of two things is happening, #1) the driver is being completely honest and forthright and for whatever reason it makes sense that someone would be driving around with their headlights off and their radio cranked up …. While texting….at 1:00 AM…. …. OR …. …. Or we can all come back down to earth and go with #2 – its all BULL and there IS no good reason for all these things to have happened …. And that alcohol is probably a factor….

Well folks – looks like Option #2 was a safe bet!! – The operator stated that she had been drinking and when asked to exit her vehicle and to submit to Field Sobriety Testing, she was observed to be having a bit tipsy as she walked to the rear of her car…. Our driver then became a bit more uncooperative which the officers described as her having exhibited by “dancing in the street” and disobeying officer's instructions…. While she may have done pretty good with the “angry dance” moves… she flopped the field sobriety tests … which officers stated she “laughed and danced all the way through”.

Our dancing friend was placed under arrest and upon being detained officers discovered a that besides an application for “dancing with the stars” being in her vehicle, she also had a bag of a white powdery substance that tested positive for cocaine …. Officers provided no description of  dancing for that test…

On 10/20/15 the Naugatuck PD server and active set of arrest warrants on a suspect we will call “Einstein” …. I choose “Einstein” because I don’t like to call people “stupid”…. I have no problem with insinuating it though – so “Einstein” it is….
“Ein-sie” (as I will shorten it to) decided it would be a tremendous score to grab the ole’ brass gates off  the entrance of the Grove Cemetary and scrap them for cash…. Now to most of us, “go to work-pay your taxes–don’t take what don’t belong to us folk”, it might see a little risky to plot a theft such as this … and on so many levels – I mean, lets start with the bad voodoo of stealing ANYTHING from a cemetary…. I mean – Jeepers creepers!!! Then how ‘bout the logistics – were talking 100 year old plus – big-ol’e-copper gate – with all the design and ornament features the craftsmen like to use back then… way back when they liked em’ “big and stylish”… So how does one plan to kinda blend into the wood work and make one of those vanish??? – well the answer to that is this – HE DIDN’T! …. What???!! You say….. Of course he did – this is a “TOO BAD” segment isn’t it??? … Well – truth is – he didn’t make ONE vanish…. En-sie did take ONE…. Then a few weeks later came back and took TWO!!! … Yea know – gotta hand it to him, I mean pulling one off is a task of its own but TWO!! … Kudos Ein-sie – Kudos….

…. Yep – OOOONLy one problem here …. How do ya sell those suckers … Well, this is where Ei-sie is going to earn his nick name folks…. See, you aint just walkin’ into yer’ local scrap yard and plopping down a couple hundred year old “big ole’ copper gates” without having to answer a few questions… Not that Ein-sie didn’t try, but …. Even after you try – it kinda is something that those employees remember… (…“Yea officer, this Einstien lookin’ guy came in her with two big cooper gates and tried to sell-em” to us…. I still tell my friends about that one officer!”…. )

… So our friend Ein-sie shopped it around a little – giving some scrap yard employees something to talk about ….and somewhere along the line Ein-sie thought – well, if I hack it up into little pieces – I’ll be have no problem…. So that’s what he did… he hacked up the gates, and was successful in scraping the metal at a local scrap yard…. Except again – Ein-sie didn’t take into account that even hacked up, those parts were pretty distinctive…. So when out detectives went inquiring about the gates – those pieces were easily identified… Once they were, everything about Ein-sies plan went down hill…. Detectives were able to identify Ein-sie and interview him, where he eventually came clean… and was arrested …. And I'm going to wager that he is probably not going to be trusted to be left alone on judgement day outside the ole’ “pearly gates” …..just my guess! 

Ok - that's all Ive got for this week - It’s been fun – hope you all have great Weekend …and until next time....we will be here if you need us….