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5/19/2015 - Interview the Interviewer / with Fox Ct's Matt Scott

Interview the Interviewer / with Fox Ct's Matt Scott  - 5.19.15

Hi All - Well Fox CT News enjoyed our NPD B&B post so much this morning that they came down and did a story on it. FOX CT reported Matt Scott - being the great sport that he is - agreed to do an interview with me for our page - after I did an interview with them ....about our Facebook page ....
.... Now that I have probably thoroughly confused all of you! - here is a link to my "Interview the Interviewer" segment with Fox CT's Matt Scott... and please don't forget to watch his story on FOX CT news at 4:00 today (if you miss it I will post a link later tonight!!)

Thanks and Enjoy.... oh yea, almost forgot.... we will be here if you need us...