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3/29/2015 - NPD Facebook Post / 3.29.15 / 4 Simple Rules
NPD Facebook Post / 3.29.15 / 4 Simple Rules

Hi everyone -

Happy Sunday…Well, I have to say – we are very appreciative of the support we have received on our social media sites – particularly our Facebook page. Its great to know so many of our citizens are behind us and support what we do.

Now every so often we have to put one of “these” messages out…we are getting new fans to the page all the time that may not have received the previous message, so I will run through what you can expect from us – as well as what we – the people of this page – should expect from each other as “members”. …We consider everyone here to be part of our community “family”…like family we will disagree at times, and there is nothing wrong with that…so long as it is done in a respectful way –

To those that are new to the page, I am not sure what took you here – but we are happy to have you, there are just some things you need to know about the Naugatuck Police Department facebook page and its posts…we are not your typical “police” facebook page…we don’t just throw out sterile press releases and boring statistics…I said “Just”…yes I do throw those things out…but we do so much more as well!!....As you can see – we like to try and be entertaining as well… We will post what I call “silly posts” that are designed to be funny, witty, sarcastic and entertaining…and believe it or not – every now and again… I actually hit my mark!

As I have explained previously, these posts do something more than just "being silly" - sure they make you laugh- but they do something more important... They make us laugh...TOGETHER... These posts bring "us" - The Naugatuck Police Department and our citizens...our community...closer together in communication, in a way that had been difficult at best in the past.

…Now, of course our post vary... we put out many serious – “straight to the point” posts as there are times we are dealing with subject matter that is not light hearted, other times our posts are funny and silly, they involve a lighter side of policing ... and this is done purposely as I always found that police social network pages were often very dry and boring... so I make them more like a conversation I would have with my friends and family... and it seems to be working -our posts have been very well received and our Facebook page continues to grow - We are proud to say that we have one of the most popular Police Facebook pages in the state (thank you everyone!!)

…So the only rules here are these;

1) HAVE FUN AND CHECK OUR POSTS OFTEN – We try to place up fresh posts as often as possible, so please check them out.

2) GIVE US A "LIKE"...IF YOU LIKE!! - If you like our posts, please "Like" them …. this kinda gives us an idea of how were doing and if the particular post was worth doing….its great feed back for us!

3) TELL YOUR FRIENDS! - Pass the word if you like this page as we are always looking to add to the family…there is plenty of room here….Also – The posts we place up on our Facebook page are almost always placed as well on our web page – so If you know people that want to follow us but are not members of Facebook, please tell them to go to our web page newsfeed.

And Finally,

4) BE POLITE AND COURTEOUS….If responding to a post - please be respectful towards our family members and…. the policing profession in general ....this is not the forum to voice “anti police” rants or messages ….this is after all a POLICE FACEBOOK PAGE! - I have no idea why anti-police people would want to be a fan of a police department social media page in the first place, but if you fall into this category – I promise you, you will not be happy here!!

Okay – so there you go…4 simple rules – right?!! ….I would like to welcome all of our new family members here and thank all of our family members that have been here a while for sticking with us….We will continue to work towards our goal of keeping you informed …and entertained….and towards becoming the best police department in the state!!

Thank you everyone – please have a great weekend and remember, as always, we will be here if you need us!!!

*PS...I attached this post from November of last year which I borrowed some of this posting material from concerning "don't you cops have anything better to do?"....Take a read if you can...