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3/11/2015 - NPD facebook Post / 3.11.15 / Exchange Club Community Champions Banquet

NPD facebook Post / 3.11.15 / Exchange Club Community Champions Banquet

Last night was the Naugatuck Exchange Club annual Community Champions Banquet...yes- yes, that handsome devil in the police uniform is me... - the other uniform, that's a firemen uniform... that's 2nd Assistant Fire Chief Paul Russell ...(still no idea who the 1st Assistant Fire Chief is BTW but) ... Yes-yes, I suppose Paul is handsome too...any way, back to the banquet ...last night was a great night in which in addition to 2nd Assistant Fire Chief Russell and myself, Mr. George Macary was honored as the Educator of the year and Mr. Jim Desmarais was honored as the citizen of the year...
...On behalf of the Naugatuck Police Department, I would like to once again congratulate the other recipients and also thank the exchange club for hosting such a nice event each year... The exchange club once again did a great job and I am honored to have been a part of this great event...

...I would also like to take a moment and thank all of the men and women of the Naugatuck Police Department for their hard work and dedication to this organization...with out them, I would not be able to do what I do...I am truly surrounded by great people here at the Naugatuck PD .... I am lucky and very honored to represent them as the Naugatuck Police Departments Public Information Officer....

Thank you everyone ....we will be here...