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2/7/2015 - NPD Facebook Post / 2.7.15 / Yet ANOTHER Snow Storm!!

NPD Facebook Post / 2.7.15 / Yet ANOTHER Snow Storm!!


OK - let's be ready because the snow is coming ....Again! ....This ones supposed to be a marathon - which is great because thats the one thing we have not yet had in the way of snow storms over the past few weeks... so its nice to be able to check that one off the list!!....

So - now that we have appearantly been thrust into the winter snow cycle, let's run down a few winter storm "do's and dont's":

First....DONOT sit in front of your TV and listen to the news 24 hour non- stop snow "Armageddon" warnings ...Come-on - this is New England and we get snow like this every year...We get it....turn that sucker on- get your update and move on!!

DO make sure your car is not parked where it is not supposed to be...For example, on the street if you have a driveway...or....on a road that has a parking prohibition ...or ...parked on a public street and has not been moved in the last 24 Hrs....
....My suggestion ....park in Ft. Myers Fla....Plenty of spaces available I hear....and NO chance of it being "snowed in" .... and let me know if you need me to go warm it up for you.... Just saying, i'm available for that!!

DONOT ....just because its snowing....go to the grocery store.....AGAIN! .... Listen, if youve been shopping to pick up "bread and milk" everytime its snowed over the past few weeks, my math shows you should have about 26 Gallons of milk and at least 57 loaves of bread...give or take a few.....Trust me....Your Good!!!

DO Pick up the next season of which ever series you are onto this winter after being snowed in.... My household has personally watched every series known to man- created in the last 25 years, this winter alone!!! .... Cant beat Redbox for a buck!!!

DONOT wait to clean your walks....its cold out there and they will freeze into little - long - narrow - ice skating rinks .... Town Ordiance requires them to pretty much be done immediatly, so dont wait.... this ordianace WILL be enforced where observed to have been violated!!!

DO Check on your neighbors and the elderly.... I can guarantee both could use a hand with getting through these storms....Maybe run them over one or two of those loaves of bread or gallons of milk your hoarding!!!

DONOT go stir crazy!! Think warm thoughts....try throwing on some sun glasses and laying on a beach towel next to the heater.... Yes - this WILL keep you from going stir crazy....On the other hand, if you actually do this - theres a good chance you are going "plain olde CRAZY"!!! .... but dont worry, "the Winter Crazy Train" has officially left the station... try it!!!

....Ok - so there you go... just a few tips from your friends at the Naugatuck PD .... and remeber friends...We will all get through this winter... Just think - this can only go on what .... another 3, 4, ...12 weeks?!! ..... (we wont get snow in May.....will we??!!) ...Any way - you can count on us being here and ready if you need us - we are always only a phone call away!!