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1/22/2015 - NPD Facebook Post / 1.22.15 / Throwback Thursday

A little Throwback Thursday fact for you all....

...For three days in December of 2004 Director Stephen Spielberg exposed one of the most brilliant faces known to man kind during the filming of War of The Worlds right here in the Borough...
....This face has been swooned by the ladies around the world ...and spawned jealousy and envy of all the men as well!!....
...thats right - the picture is here for all to enjoy ladies...and take it easy is after all - JUST a picture!!

... Oh ....interesting little fact for you too, while you admiring the photo.... you might notice that the actor that played the kid in Risky Business and the pilot in Top Gun and is also in the picture...although his looks do pale in comparison to Officer Marcus Jacoboski!!

Thanks everyone - have a great Thursday...We'll be here if you need us!!