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1/9/2015 - FB POST 1.9.15 - Parked School Busses
Well …. The picture says it all folks …. When those suckers are parked, we have issues on the home front!!!

We are going to experience it all today…a little snow, a little sun, a little heat…very little heat….and a lot of COLD!!

Luckily Though, I think we’ve gotten through the worst of it – the snow has pretty much stopped and the sun is breaking through…Best of all, we only received a few reports of accidents …please do your part to keep it that way!!!

Ok, Now back to the REAL problem…what to do with those kids now that the school system has orphaned them off to you for the day….Well no re
ason to fret, I have the solution… Now follow these instructions exactly ..... locate the a stearn but calm voice .... tell them to.... “CLEAN YOUR ROOM AND DO YOUR HOMEWORK!!!” …. Let them know they can do this in which ever order they want ...(They will like the freedom that gives them...makes em feel they have some control) go and grab a cup of coffee and ignore the excuses that will follow....Problem solved!!...

…. If I can help anyone else please feel free to let me know….

 Thanks everyone – enjoy the weekend, stay warm and drive safely…. We will be here if you need us!