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12/3/2014 - NPD Facebook Post - 12.3.14 - Too Bad Tuesday...on Wednesday!
Hi Everyone,

Happy Wednesday…. I was unable to run Too Bad Tuesday yesterday …. So I will make it up today (….”Too Bad Wednesday”… not the same ring – but it will have to do!!)
Before we begin I must put out our usual disclaimer:

"All persons in these segments are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law and that we reserve the right to change the names of those involved (if names are used at all) to protect the innocent" ...

Ok, Here it is – the TOO BAD TUESDAY (Or, ehhh… Wednesday!) – WEEK OF ARRESTS REVIEW:
On 12/2/1 at 12:10 AM Naugatuck PD arrested a subject on an active arrest warrant stemming from an incident that occurred on June 6th 2014 …. A shoplifting from Walmart…. (My Favorites!!)…. In this edition of “I got caught stealing from Walmart”, we present “Mr. A”… “Mr A” was at Walmart on June 6th …dressed in camo…. Because, well – why not…. And decided he was going to do some “cash free shopping”…. Mr A proceeded to the hardware section and took items out of a sweat shirt and place them into his pants pockets…. Now, for those of you wondering… the store detective was able to distinguish the camouflaged individual from the background … and clearly witnessed this action occur…. The store detective then continued to watch Mr A as he met up with Mr B, who also decided to part-take in the “Cash Free Shopping” adventure…. Both Mr A and Mr B took various items from the shelves and placed them into plastic “Walmart” bags….and then walked to the front of the store where they passed all points of payment (AKA: “They shoplifted”) and proceeded into the parking lot…. (Now stick with me it gets better)… The store detective approached the subjects …. Both Mr A and Mr B at the same time…. She attempted to grab the suspect but he got away and as she ran Mr. A yelled at the store detective that he “had a knife and to try and grab him again”…. The store detective obtained a license plate number from the vehicle they got into…. Which was provided to the investigating officers…. Which was run through our magic computers…. Which led to names and addresses…. Which led to identifications …. Which led to a free nights stay at the Naugatuck PD Bed and Breakfast….. No, Mr. A and Mr B were assisted in this adventure by Mr C who was driving the get away van….and he was also provided a suite at the inn…. Mr. A and Mr B were identified as Michael Furlo Sr. of New Haven and Mr. Michael Furlo Jr. of New Haven .... Mr C can not be identified as he is a Juvenile…..

Back on August 22… A woman left her home on City Hill Street and drove onto Route 8… upon arriving at her destination she realized that she had placed her purse on the hood of her car … and drove off with it still on the hood…. She contacted a relative to try and drive down City Hill to find it…. But no luck…. She decided to cancel all of her credit cards and banking accounts (…great idea by the way….) however, upon doing so she discovered that unauthorized charges had already been made…. so she contacted the police (….Another great idea by the way!....) Our officers investigated and found that the purchases were made at local establishments …. So they contacted those businesses and obtained surveillance footage….which led to names ….and addresses…. Which led to identifications… (…Where have I heard this before??...) … which led to arrest warrants….which led to the securing of suites at the NPD-B&B…. The “guests” were identified as Dominique Ruff of Naugatuck and Danielle Ruff of Naugatuck….

On November 6th 2014 a subject filed a complaint with the NPD General Crimes Investigation Team (AKA: Patrol…) for harassment. The harassment stemmed from an argument on (…say it aint so….) Facebook….which turned to threatening text messages being sent…. These conversations were verified (this is one of the great things about written arguments…its all right there in black and white….) which led to an arrest warrant for the threatening party…..which led to another booking of a luxury suite at the NPD B&B ….. Business is booming!!!

On July 16th 2014, the NPD responded to a burglar alarm at a residence on Gorman Street… The officers observed damage consistent with a break in and confirmed the home was burglarized by the homeowner upon their return. A list of stolen items was obtained, which included a lawn mower...the next day, a subject approached a town employee trying to sell a lawn mower…the town employee advised he was not interested – however – the persistent sales man made him an offer to basically “think about it” – and if he changed his mind, provided him with his home address to come see him…. Again people, we cant make this stuff up….. the town employee provided the PD with the information…which led to some names…. Which led to more information….which led to some information….which led to…THAT’S RIGHT – More reservations at the NPD-B&B!!! …. The “Guest” was identified as Mr. Narquise Fisher of Waterbury…. This guests visit included the charges of Burglary 3rd, Larceny in the sixth degree and a charge of Criminal Trespass in the second degree….
Now, of course all of these people were arrested … which again is always “Too Bad”… but my dream is still alive to one day have no material to provide for this segment!!!

Okay – that’s all we have for you today…Please have a safe and happy Wednesday….We’ll be here if you need us!!