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11/28/2014 - NPD Facebook Post - 11.28.14 - NPD's Got Talent Finals

Hello Everyone,

The video attached with this post was a little “Opening Act” to a lead up of our Finals Competition of the No Shave November – NPD’s Got Talent Contest…

A big Thanks goes out to Officer Carl Schaff for rockin’ the house … with that face that only a mother could love…. Carl asked if he could do one more song and I asked him if he could play “Far Away”…. Far- Far- Away….Like down the street and onto I-95 to Florida!!! ……Ok – movin’ the show along….


The “Likes” are in and the results are final…. The winner of the Semi – Finals round , with 39 votes is…….Det. Paul Markette and Det. Sgt. Randy Ireland – Congrats Boys, Nice Job!!

Next, the Runner up …. and also en-route to the Finals competition…. Winning by a margin of 5 “Likes” (31 – 26)…… Sgt. Mark Pettinicchi and Ofc. Matt DaSilva ….. Great job again on the skates boys – and welcome to the finals!!! ….The act by the Fab-Five came close… But sorry boys, you’ll have to keep your day jobs!!

Now, I must admit that I did some sole searching over the holiday and to my horror I realized that I did not include many of the evening shift and overnight shift officers in the NPD's Got talent - No Shave November talent contest... I have no real excuse for this except that I just plain did not stick around for those shifts to snap humiliating candid shots of those officers... Thankfully however - Lt. Brian Newman posted - on his own Facebook page - a video of some of his evening shift officers performing a Thanksgiving story... It is so good that it HAS to be included into our competition!! ...

So – here’s what I’m going to do – I am going to submit his video DIRECTLY to the finals!!!

Now – I promised the finals would be Christmas themed, so I will do the Christmas theme on the two other acts… So here are the acts for the FINALS competition:

Act #1 – The Second Shift Officers – Lt. Brian Newman, Sgt. Dan Norck, Officer s Nick Kehoss, John Julian and Ian Kosky perform a Thanksgiving Story… Please sit back, listen and learn!!! 

Act #2 – Sgt. Pettinicchi and Officer Matt DaSilva team up one more time – this time they traded the skates in for dance shoes in a musical dance of “Santa’s coming to town” - These two work hard for the money… Break a Leg boys!!!! 

Act #3 - - The Dynamic Duo of Det. –Sgt Randy (Happy-Face) and Det. Paul (Not-So-Happy Face) Markette perform “The Dance of the Happy and Not-So-Happy Elves”… As always – Det. Markettes sideways – serious face is priceless – particularly when accompanied by Det. Sgt. Irelands big cheesy smile!!! – GO GET EM BOYS!!!

These men all worked hard to get these routines down…. So – Please watch them all… and remember, the winner is in YOUR hands as the act with the most “LIKES” on Monday morning wins!!! …

Thanks everyone - and have a great first weekend of the Christmas Holiday Season!!

Act #1 – The Second Shift Officers – Lt. Brian Newman, Sgt. Dan Norck, Officer s Nick Kehoss, John Julian and Ian Kosky perform a Thanksgiving Story… Please sit back, listen and learn!!!
…And don’t forget to give it a vote by giving it a “Like” if you want them to win….

Act #2 – Sgt. Pettinicchi and Officer Matt DaSilva team up one more time – this time they traded the skates in for dance shoes in a musical dance of “Santa’s coming to town” - These two work hard for the money… Break a Leg boys!!!!
….And don’t forget to give it a vote by giving it a “Like” if you want them to win….

Act #3 - - The Dynamic Duo of Det. –Sgt Randy (Happy-Face) and Det. Paul (Not-So-Happy Face) Markette perform “The Dance of the Happy and Not-So-Happy Elves”… As always – Det. Markettes sideways – serious face is priceless – particularly when accompanied by Det. Sgt. Irelands big cheesy smile!!! – GO GET EM BOYS!!!!
…And don’t forget to give it a vote by giving it a “Like” if you want them to win….