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11/14/2014 - NPD Facebook Post - NPD's Got Talent
Greetings everyone,

Well – its finally Friday …. Looks like we made it through another week in one piece …. Even with the little taste of winter weather we received ..,. and while we are on the subject….please note that you all did excellent after my expert advice was deleivered on driving during our first snow, as …. Not one single accident call had been received since the posting went out last night … (yes, I am typing this with all of my fingers and toes crossed….)
Ok – so in other business, I mentioned how that some of the officers of the Naugatuck PD have been taking part in “No Shave November” to help support our local food bank…. Well, I thought we could have some fun with this (…. And what else would I be thinking right!!) … so Ive been taking photos of the participating officers …. Methodically picking off the unsuspecting suckers one at a time…. JUST so I could “have some fun” with them… (EEEEE-Viiiiillllll!!!!!) ….
So here is what we are going to do … You all of course know my love for the “JIB-JAB” web site where you pluck a head onto a predesigned scene … Well….. I thought we would do a little competition utilizing JIB-JAB called …. “NPD’s Got Talent –Featuring the NPD No Shave November Stars” …. Yep – were gonna have ourselves a little “Competition”….

Here’s how it will work – I will post up JIB-JAB routines containing faces of the NPD officers participating in No Shave November…. You will all vote on the routines and we will pick a winner… now – the voting will go by “likes” …. The routines posted for the day will sit for 24 hours …. I will list the time on the posts and the winners will move on…. And the losers will be forever disqualified!!!

So to start us off today I will follow up this post with our first two routines… the first is a little dance being done by Officer Favale and Jacoboski …. Very nice moves by both by the way…. And the second is a funky little number by Detective Sergeant Ireland and Detective Paul Markette …. Unbelievable effort by both …. Not to mention Markettes facial expression throughout is priceless…

Okay – Lets get ready to be razzle – dazzled… and please – don’t forget to vote by Liking…. And of course, let the comments fly as well!!!

Thanks everyone and have a safe and happy weekend…. We’ll be here if you need us!!